Best Friends :)
April 18-April 22...Our unit is Easter! Monday--Don't forget your sheet and blanket! Tuesday--Bring a book about Easter to share! Thursday--Today is our Easter Egg Hunt! Make sure you are here by 9! Bring your Easter basket!!! Friday--Wear your TLC t-shirt!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Shannon's BACK TO SCHOOL scoop! (and Carnival pix)

Kamren Turpin shows his strength at the carnival.
Some sticky faces.....
Recognize these guys? Behind the glasses is Colbe Cortez, and the pirate is Conor Mabry.
Patrick, Chandler and Gage take a snowcone break

School age summer is over!!! We had a quick, fun summer! Now we've got to switch our brains over to before/after school mode...

Morning van departure times:

Bryant Elementary and Middle School 7:25

Hurricane Creek 7:30

Springhill 7:35

Bethel Middle 7:35

Collegeville 7:45

After school van riders, we need a phone call if your child is absent from school, has been checked out, or is a car we won't be looking for them. This is a courtesy to our staff as well as the other children waiting on the van while we are trying to locate someone.

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