Best Friends :)
April 18-April 22...Our unit is Easter! Monday--Don't forget your sheet and blanket! Tuesday--Bring a book about Easter to share! Thursday--Today is our Easter Egg Hunt! Make sure you are here by 9! Bring your Easter basket!!! Friday--Wear your TLC t-shirt!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Shannon's TLC 25th Anniversary Scoop!!!!!

As we celebrated our week long birthday party, some of you shared your thoughts as to what TLC means to you and your family. I wanted to share these with everyone...

Taylor has been at TLC since she was 9 weeks old. I have not worried one day about her since she's been here. That's the thing I love most about TLC. I know Taylor is safe and well taken care of while I'm at work. As a matter of fact, I think Ms. Jean rocked and spoiled her more than we did at home when she was in the baby room. Thanks TLC for the past 3 years of excellent childcare.
-Tanya Wright, Taylor's Mom

What TLC means to us...They are always caring and always there. There is no other daycare we would even consider taking our children to. You guys are the best.
-The Hensons

TLC has been AWESOME for our family! We have always felt comfortable leaving our kids here. We love ya'll.
-Justin, Michelle, Madison and Micah

We love TLC it is the best second home!
-The Warburtons

TLC has really helped my son come out of his shell and that has meant more to me than anything. He loves his teachers and his friends and never wants to leave. He really enjoys playing and learning here.
-Colby Walston and C. Ceregini

To me TLC has been a wonderful place to drop my children off in the mornings. I know that when I do, they are going to be well taken care of. TLC has helped Hannah and Haley both get ready for kindergarten. I could not have asked for better teachers for my girls. You guys rock!
-Jennifer Sanders, Mom to Hannah and Haley

TLC means a lot to me it has awesome toys to play with. I really like my teacher, Ms. April because she is very nice. But best of all it is fun to play here after school. Happy Birthday TLC!
Ms. Marcia is nice, too.
-Hayden Britt, Room 3

Ms. Marcia is nice. TLC means a lot to me and I love it really so much! I really like my teacher Ms. Becky because she is very nice! Happy Birthday TLC!
-Garrett Britt, Care Bear, Oh-I love their toys and field trips! And lunch is good, too!

TLC means...I have no doubts that my kids are prepared for kindergarten when they finish preschool!!!
-Dana Morrow

Thanks for caring enough to share stories about my daughter's day, activities and otherwise, I always enjoy the personal attention, which helps make the time apart from my child easier.

The Learning Center is a place that I can take my daughter and know that she will be happy, safe and well cared for. It feels good to know that she enjoys going to school there and that her teachers really care about her.

Thank you so much for taking time to share these with us!

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